2007-09-09 at 5:43 p.m.

at times like this, i'm sure, when I have a car and cigarettes and a killer outfit someday, I'll just get in my car and go driving. and maybe when I felt better and egotistical and high I'd see if anyone else wanted to join me.

I'm so sick of basing my self worth on everyone else. It's sick.

to-do list:
-community service (due sometime in october...? november...?)
-school (get caught up on)
-journalism (take pictures of two clubs, sell ads, etc?)
-clean and goodify room
-lose weight and get my appearance to a nice point
-get learner's permit (sooner the better)
-be nice to people but not too mcuh (don't want to lead anyone else on)

today i very well could:
clean room some
get caught up-er on school work

tomorrow is:
a new week to be caught up on school fully and to start doing everything you can to stay caught up. bellwork, those 7 questions, and such.

before -- after