2007-11-11 at 11:58 a.m.

I've never had a dream before (or not too many that I can remember) where Andrew was being nice to me and focusing upon me. It makes me love him even more.

I wish Jessie and Laura would stop being so lazy and just get the fuck up, I'm tired of waiting for them to wake up. I want to be alone.

I'm so exhausted but I can't physically get comfortable and I can't sleep. I think I'm realising that my pillow really does make my neck hurt and that's just annoying.

I was dating Hannah Lewis in my dream and it was nice. Weird.

My heart won't shut the fuck up, ever, and I'm tired of it always being there, there, there, go away, go away. Be quieter, be slower, be less. I'm tired of noticing it.

I'm dizzy. Hungover maybe. I can barely type I'm so exhausted and it makes me tired-er. I feel like I'm physically losing control of my body, like I might spasm out any second and I hate unwanted spasms.

I am going to sneak some Xanax from my mom's purse so maybe I can take it and everything will be soft and quiet.

before -- after