2007-10-17 at 11:02 p.m.

tim, I've decided, that I think I'm beginnign to want you pretty bad. someday, maybe? atleast as good friends with maby some accidental romantic encounters.

I just want to know you
and you know me

and all of that matter to you.

sounds like a good start.

andrew, you're so good at disappearing. i odn't have your phone number anymore apparently, you're not in any of other peoples' pictures online, you don't have a myspace, etc etc.

I understand, of cousre. I just wish that I could find you, so maybe I could find a piece of you to keep with me.

but winter is coming. jackie's birthday will be here in awhile. maybe we really will get those plans together where her, me, steven, and andrew book a hotel in atlanta and chill like cool kids all evening. and maybe we can make some memories that mean something even to him (as long as he's not too focused on jackie, or something, I dont know what I'm talking about.)

I guess I want a chance to mean something to you when I feel more confident than I will.

and Tim, I'd just like us to end up really close friends, with accidental romantic (sexual) encounters. that'd be nice. I love you, kid. really.

before -- after